Sunday, September 28, 2008


My dad called me today just to let me know that he loves me, apparently he felt that I might need to hear that today. It made my day, which had been long and annoying until then and I did need to hear that.
I should actually say that it made my week, even though the week is only just beginning. It's been one of those weeks where all I want to do is curl up in a ball under my covers and sleep every single day away. My i-Pod playlist is nothing but sad songs.
The mood is mainly due to the immense amount of thinking that I have been doing about my boyfriend and I. Our relationship has hit that crossroads that many relationships hit at some point and time. If we go one way it will be disaster but the other is nothing but bliss, well as close as you can get in the real world that is.
All my friends would say that I am being my usual over analytical self but sometimes when you know you just know. We have reached the point where we are communicating very little. He is the silent let it simmer until it blows type. I think that we need to have "the talk" before it's too late. Which by the way is hard to do when you work opposite schedules. Some days I honestly forget what he looks like.
If you would have asked me a couple months ago I would have told you there was no way the two of us would ever be at this point. He is the only man that I have ever pictured the white dress, house and babies with. I was always the no marriage, no kids type of gal and he changed all that. I finally understood what people meant when they said, just wait until you meet "The one," then you'll understand.
My heart aches at the prospect of this all ending and even just typing about it I have tears flowing down my cheeks. The feelings are all still there. To this day I get butterflies when he smiles and it's just for me or even when I hear his voice on the phone. But lately when I look at him the reflection of those feelings is gone completely from his eyes and I have no idea on how to get that back.

He's coming in now, wish me luck.

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