Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where's the sharp stick?

Have you ever had one of those days at work where you rather poke your eyes out then stay one minute longer??? I work in retail (while going to school PT) and most days I go in expecting someone to be supremely stupid. Today I had someone that wanted to return something that they had purchased over ONE YEAR ago because it didn't work anymore. She was adamant that return policies were only if you didn't want an item anymore!!! WTF!!! Apparently if something breaks after a year of use I'm obligated by LAW to return it. Man I missed that rule in training.
After refusing to return it and about 20 minutes of her arguing with me she grabbed her cellphone and called Head Office (which I gladly gave to her). As it was ringing she kept telling me that I was going to get fired and if I wasn't she was going to sue my company. The really scary thing is that I think that she was completely serious and truly believed that she would have me fired by the time she hit end. The phone call ended and she walked out without a word. Much to my chagrin I still have to go to work on Monday and deal with all the madness that occurs on a daily basis.
As stupid as that 20 minutes was the rest of the day was b-o-r-i-n-g!!!! I usually don't work weekends and now I know why, it is so DEAD!! I could have counted the customers on one hand by 2pm and we opened at 9am. I was seriously considering grabbing a pencil and poking my eyes out for fun. I think that I will avoid weekends at all costs from this point forward. Well it is now time to finish the glorious task of laundry....yay...way more exciting then work was today.

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